The Witches Festival of Elder Scrolls Online Is Around the Corner
Elder Scrolls Online’s One Tamriel Update 12 is now live on PC and it will be available on PlayStation 4 & Xbox One next week, breaking down all barriers and gates between players and the game’s content. Now, here comes another exciting news!
The Witches Festival, our first in-game holiday event for The Elder Scrolls Online, is lurking around the corner! Learn how and when you and your friends can take part in this spooky Tamrielic holiday plus details on the special treats you can earn by participating.
Tamriel's ancient autumn tradition, The Witches Festival, arrives on the 13th of Frostfall (October 13th), and so begins an annual clash of sorcery and religion. For the remainder of the month, demonologists, conjurors, lamias, warlocks, and thaumaturgists will convene in secret locations throughout the wilds of Tamriel to engage in all manner of incantations, invocations, and conjurations, and the profane creatures they create or summon may plague Tamriel for eons!
As spirits stir and the undead rise from ancestral tombs, stalwart adventurers will be tasked with special activities that will reward them with gruesome goodies, terrifying treasures, and awesome achievements.
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