In Guild wars 2, there is a paragraph to describe the Asura- “These alchemagical inventors may be short in stature, but they’re intellectual giants. Among the asura, it’s not the strong who survive, but the clever. Other races believe they should rule by virtue of their power and strength, but they’re deluding themselves. In due time, all will serve the asura.”
In the Tyria land, you can always see a group of robots monster who is the strong fighters with aggression. These robots are the invention of Asura. They are called Golem. Golem, which is created by Asura, is the automated robot drove by the crystal energy core. It is made with stone and other processed natural material. In GW2, players can use GW2 gold to buy all kinds of materials. The Golem has the huge body and sophisticated structure, with a strong fighting force. However, compared with their master, they are not that smart. Golem is the best assistant and battle companies of Asura.
Asura is the shortest race in Tyria, but is the smartest one. Although these magic inventors is the shortest in physical height, they are the giant in wisdom. Asura take the advantage of their knowledge and skills to protect their dominant position with magic and craft.
In the Guild Wars 2 world, each race has its own elite skill. Asura’s elite skill is to call out these terrorist Golem to fight in the battle together with you. You can summon a attacking golem, you can also summon defense Golem and can even “change fit up” calls out a power armor.
In the large-scale world battlefield, Golem will also become one of the most important large-scale siege weapons. Players can not only manipulate it emits powerful impact hammer to break the gates of the battle, but also can be used to attack the local camp to ensure maximum protection for battlefield victory.
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