[B]When kids take up a cause, you know they're something special. One such youngster is 8-year-old Ricky Springer who is an ambassador for 'Kids Are Heroes', an organisation that promotes causes championed by special kids.
With the help of organisations such as CTA Digital, Ricky and kids like him are bringing awareness to the public by doing extraordinary things. Ricky just happens to be a gamer and has been involved in the promotion of Wii Kart at E3 along with delivering his own message to the public about Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders. We caught up with Ricky's Mom Julie, who was happy to answer some questions for us about Ricky's journey: ([URL=http://www.gameculture.com/2010/07/04/gamer-and-039kids-are-heroes039-ambassador-ricky-springer]MORE[/URL])