British scientist Baroness Susan Greenfield has been unceremoniously dumped from her post as head of the British Royal Institution.
The outspoken Greenfield has provided a lot of fodder for UK tabloids over the years, taking shots at videogames (claiming they slow maturity), computers and social websites (they harm children’s brains).
Her denouncement of videogames [URL=]was especially confusing[/URL], in light of her personally endorsing a series of [URL=]brain-training games[/URL].
[URL=]The Times Online[/URL] on Greenfield:
[INDENT]Her unconventional approach to courting publicity, however, has annoyed as many scientists as it attracts, some of whom claim that her talent for self-promotion outweighs her scientific credentials.
[/INDENT]The Royal Institution says Greenfield was sacked due to the fact that it could no longer afford a full-time director in light of recent funding problems.
[URL=]Ben Goldacre’s blog[/URL] has more on the Baroness and how exactly she confounded critics over the years.