Anti-game crusaders may have a new (and unlikely) ally—porn star Ron Jeremy.
The subject of videogames cropped up in a debate at the Consumer Electronics Show between Jeremy and anti-pornography activist Craig Gross [URL=,2817,2357912,00.asp]reports PCMag[/URL]. The inclusion came as Jeremy was attempting to infer that the porn industry is in business only to serve adults over the age of 18 years old.
He stated:
[INDENT]We don't want kids to watch porn. Though if they do, he added, there are far worse influences out there — like video games.
[Studies have] found that violent video games are much bigger a negative influence on kids
[/INDENT]Gross and Jeremy did manage to agree, however, that it’s up to parents to keep explicit or non-age related material out of the hands of their kids.
[B]GP:[/B] Having a hard time (no pun intended) here believing that Ron has read all the relevant studies. This incident just illustrates (laughably) how much of a scapegoat videogames have become for social ills. Perhaps a new pro-videogame crusade could be launched under the banner "At Least It's Not Porn," or Middle-Aged Frumpy Mom and Ron can team up to promote the evils of games.