An interesting article... people for or against it? What's your take on it? I personally think it could help with things like learning new language in high school courses (or lower, depending on when the child is learning it), and the constant drills for math. I remember doing the Mad Minute, which was a paper of ... 30 questions, I think. You had a minute to finish them all. If you did them all and got them all right, you moved on to the next paper the next day. If not... you did that one again the next day. I myself haven't played games like Personal Trainer: Math to know if they have something like this... but it would help with the school being "green." It's also a good way for parents to get their children to want to practice their school work... how often is a child told to play their DS? While I don't think tax dollars should go towards this, I think it's refreshing to see teachers are willing to try new ideas for teaching their students.