Tales of VS will be the rival of FF: DISSIDIA... interesting. Very interesting...
And sure, Tales of Vesperia isn't new if you have a 360... but it'll be a nice addition to my game library for the PS3! :D Plus, it gets added stuff (sure, right now only a new character is announced... but they'll probably add other stuff too... if not, oh well. Still buying it.)!
First Tales of... game I ever played was Tales of Eternia (Tales of Destiny 2 in America) and at first I didn't care for it much other than the fact that the fighting was a nice change... but I soon fell in love with it. The one game that took everyone's breath away was Tales of Symphonia on the Gamecube. This was a masterpiece of art and gameplay combined. I absolutely loved it. When I first saw Vesperia announced I was excited, and then heartbroken when I saw it was 360 exclusive... not so much anymore! :p Anyone else like the series? Admittedly the PSP titles suck, and legendia wasn't good... but there were some gems in the line up as well.