Anyone heard about this project? If there is already a post I m sorry...I didnt found anyone talking about it, I m the typical lurker but plan to be more active... so I m quite happy, I ve found something that might interest some overhere!:D
This website [][/URL] aim to acquire and let its members control a real independent game studio! Apparently, the members will have their say on which game will go on production, and will have their say in the concepts to be developed (but not the actual programing). Basically the best game ideas will be voted by the members and will then be given to the studio in order to be developed.
During the production, the studio will conduct polls to seek out the advice of members concerning every aspect of the game (even the commercialization apparently).
Anybody else heard of this project of Crowd sourcing (check on wikipedia if you have no clue what I m talking about)? It seem it was already done in the past that a group of people banded togheter on the net to acquire a real business, it was done a few years ago with a real English Profesional Football club. Now its the members who are effectively managing the club.
I dont know if it could work with an independent game studio, but it sound interesting!