Got me a GC for Christmas with a ton of games. (This is to tide me over until Wiis become common enough to buy one when I want it for the list price.)
I just started the Metroid Prime series and I must say, I am quite impressed. I was a little wary of the 1st person view, but after playing through the first level, I love it. There are times when I wish it were 3rd Person, when trying to jump from platform to platform, but it plays rather smooth otherwise.
The story is pretty good and I love the ability to scan everything. The story nodes are quite a nice read.
Some of the bosses are nightmares and really keep you on your toes. They can also frustrate you to no end if you don't know the ropes. (Stupid vine monster killed me 5 times before I figured the battle out.)
The graphics are awesome for a GC title and I think still hold their own against many of today's games. If the Wii is more powerful than the GC, why are people complaining?
Can't wait to beat it and play the next one.
So far I give it a 5 out of 5 where 1 = Complete gutter trash and not worth the disk it is printed on and 5 = totally worth buying and keeping.