Hey, anyone know how to get a hold of Dennis? I've been fiddling around on the site, I haven't noticed a contact link.
Bottom line is I blundered into this, and I found it odd that I didn't read it on GP first. As unfortunate as this story is, it is news:
Short form of the story is it's a felony arrest for some freakazoid threatening some girls he met/stalked on xbox live.
[quote]In Spokane, Washington, a 20-year-old man was arrested on felony stalking charges after chatting to a 15-year-old girl on Xbox Live and eventually threatening to rape the girl and her sister. [/quote]
Obviously the relative merits of it... Well, I don't know if gamerush is what I would call a credible source. Plus, uncomfortable though it may be, there's more to it. One wonders how he got her cell number after her parents changed it, and I suspect it wasn't google.
Anyway - I was only thinking if someone knew how to reach Dennis, maybe he just hasn't seen it. Then again, if he already knew and decided not to run it; I can respect that. I suspect we haven't heard the end of it. If it's true, it's probably only a matter of time before the mainstream media pounces on it and beats us to death with it. Halo made him do it! (UG)