I was listening to NPR's "On The Media" and they were discussing an interesting court case where Universal Media Group is suing a man for selling promotional CD's that he bought. Why does this relate to GameStop possibly becomming illegal? Because if Universal wins this case, the precedent will be that if you buy a copyrighted work (CD, Book, Video Game) the copyright holder still "owns" that individual work in the sense that you cannot do what you wish to it, like sell it. I have a link to the story: [url]http://www.onthemedia.org/go.py?r=http%3A//www.onthemedia.org/transcripts/2007/09/07/06[/url]
This is something that as gamers, and as citizens should be greatly concerned about because it will also create a climate where we can't rent a movie, go to the library to read a book, or use Amazon to buy used books. This is not about piracy, it is about the resale of an original copy of a copywritten work. I strongly encourage this to be on the blog itself.