So i began playing DDO again. (i love free 10-day trials)
I played during the beta and at first loved it, until i began noticing things and they starting the beat thing with the nerf bat.
First it was enhancments. During beta and the early life of DDO, you could only get 4 enhancments. No more. And well, you earn points to buy enhancments every level (back then it was limited to 10 levels with 3-4 points per level) If you dont use them before level, then you lose them.
But now they fixed that. Every level gives you 3-4 points, but now you can keep buying as many enhancments as you can afford for your level. They also made it so you can save your points every level.
There was the nerf bat attacks. One were they panicked cause clerics could kill undead with ease. Instead of taking a dnd way to make it harder to turn the undead, they cut thier power in half, making it even harder to turn the undead.
The second nerf that hurt alot was the stealth nerf. If you are a rogue, you cannot fight head to head. You sneek around hoping not to get spotted, cause if you do your dead. (if alone) and well they didnt like that either. So now if you interact with any object, or tumble, you lose your hide. So now anything you do, Poof your spotted and die. Course they dont want people not to play the class, so they limit certian abilites to only the rogue. (pick lock, disable device)
Well they have improved things, and hopefully they'll keep improving and eventually start implementing more things.
Pros- Decent graphics, High paced combat, some other stuff i cant remember right now.
Cons- over use of the bloom effect, design challanges met with MMO style solutions instead of Dnd solutions.