20th Century Fox has issued Google's YouTube service with a subpoena to hand over details on the (now suspended) user "ECOtotal". The company is pursuing this YouTube user for uploading full versions of recent episodes of The Simpsons and 24. Using the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), Fox was granted the subpoena by the US District Court for the Northern District of California.
A specific episode of 24 in question actually appeared on YouTube in advance of its 14 January premiere on the Fox broadcast network. "The uploaded material could cause Fox irreparable harm," Fox Entertainment Group vice-president Jane Sunderland has in her testimony. A YouTube spokesperson declined to comment to Reuters on the situation.
OTT or not?
[B]"A specific episode of 24 in question actually appeared on YouTube in advance of its 14 January premiere on the Fox broadcast network."[/B]
Why do I see FOX planting a mole and forcing more and more user rights into the toilet.
Don't they have a right to find the person who uploaded on other grounds?