Who do you like? I love netflix better selection and more details on videos on their website.
BB online is rather simple and makes you work to link series dvd not to mention lacks alot of dvd info,however if you can drive and get to a local store BB has faster turnaround.
One thing resounds in my mind if BB would tie its movies and games together have 1-5 any at a time out they would make serious headway on NF,altho I would rather have NF buy out game fly and win the internet...
I been thinking how NF can improve turn around for their consumers,NF could create a program for users to notify them by email when a movie is begin sent back to start the turn around for the next and tis shipped that day,I'd be happy to pay 5$ extra a month for quick turn around but NF has found a sweet spot in its way of doing things and sadly I dont think they will adapt/change and make things better for the consumer so easily...
So you all been wanting me to use sentences here they are damnit! :P