This is a game im working on... this is some of the first drafts of the HP system the game will use. Though there is much more for me to do...
Project Guncraze
Stardust Memories
HP Method
It has come to my attention that normal FPS methods for the game will not be able to work in a MMOFPS. As such I have devised a way to combine the more tactical games such as Tom Clancy’s’ Splinter Cell and the more arcade like Unreal Tournament.
The result is the Blood Point system.
Blood points are a full body way of keeping track of how much life a character has. Players start off with 100 points when they begin the game. BP regenerates at a constant rate when lost, and cannot be healed through health packs.
The body is divided into seven sections at the start, though this may increase to ten or more sections. The original six are:
Head- the infamous target of targets. Protected by helmets and shield devices. A successful hit here can cause a number of problems for the victim. However, unlike most games, it does not equal a 1-hit kill, even if they are not wearing a helmet. Instead a successful bleeding check, which is would happen as long as the headshot is not a graze, will result in major bleeding*
(When a person is affected by major bleeding, they lose hp at a very high rate. This would result in death with in 5 seconds at full blood points regardless of how many BP a person would have. Each of those five seconds a ‘clot’ checks is made, but has a low chance of success. A health pack would slow it to bleeding status, and another would stop it.)
Torso – This is were most of the shots will be made. Can be protected by shields and body armor. As long as the torso is above 25% hp, a successful bleed check would only result in normal bleeding (BP loss at about 5 BP per second with a med chance of clotting) below that would result in major bleeding.
Arms x2 – These areas are a little harder to hit, and are less ‘important’ then the head or torso. As a result there are currently no major bleeding effects for the arms. However, that might change. Body armor, gloves and shields can protect the arms, as well as the very weapons the player is wielding.
Legs x2 – Like the arms they are less important then the head or torso, resulting in only normal bleeding damage. Pants, body armor and boots can protect the legs.
Lastly is the heart, damage here would result in similar death as a head shot, but requires a piercing power of about 0.5 (1.0 would be the ability to shoot through a human torso)
HP for torso = 100
HP for head = 40
HP for arms = 50
Hp for legs = 70
If either the head or torso is completely decreased of Hp the player dies. There may be some hp tweaking in the future as this is just numbers thrown out there for the moment.
As the head loses hp, the characters vision blurs a little bit, after a head shot it becomes blood red. As the torso loses hp, stamina regen drops as well as max stamina. The arms control accuracy, so as hp is lost here, accuracy is decreased. If hp is completely lost in one arm, then the ability to do things that need both arms is inhibited. (ie, climb ladders, use heavy weapons, ect.)
HP regens while the player doesn’t perform any strenuous activities for sometime or isn’t taking damage.
BP regens at all times as long as the character isn’t taking damage or in bleeding status, it increases with speed based upon how much percentage of HP the character has.