""With an anemic launch in both Japan and the US, coupled with a delayed European launch until March, Sony was none too happy about Kutaragi's handling of their flagship console.""
HA HA!!!!!!!!
He was more a PR head with voices in it than anything else....
TO me its simple reduce the PSP by 25-40% halve the UDM movie price and start reinvigorating the game line that would help the PSP
As for the PS3....forget abotu the current launch fix the problems that are popping up with the current systems,the next batch of systems will be a new revision with the newer firmware in it put HDMI cables in the premium package and reduce the "core" package by 100$.
its called balance if you want to play the "OMG is teh power" game the Xbox did be ready to lose ALOT of money on console sales to sell the games to make money....