Since the ESRB is doing a better job on games than the MPAA is doing with movies politicians have 2 choices hands off or censorship,cant be hands off because of vote pandering cant censor games alone,if you then censor all media for the protection of youth then what country are we going to be in,it will not be the USA.if we are so “protective” of our youth why the hell not do what holland dose and ban all advertisings to kids ?why because this the USA thats why people even kids have they right to screw themselfs up with parental guidance its one of the many freedomes we hold dear….you cant do jack about it unless you change the USA into the EU where the goverment rules almost completely…
The most I can see the government doing is creating a board like the FCC that can fine and investigate matters involving the selling of age rated material to underage people but even that is is akin to McCarthyism…its one thing to censor what goes over the free air waves its another to censor what you buy.
besides bitch about it for votes and waste tons of money or change the constitution what can they do?
From my post here.