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Internet also has its own disadvantages. Radiation exposure here is zero.However, if you make the metal detector beep and you're given the option of a pat down search or a trip through one of those new scanners that are coming to airports in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Halifax this year, you will be exposed to a little radiation..
The difference in control between the two methods is small but should reduce the risk of microvascular complications.What is already known on this topicWhat is already known on this topic Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (insulin pump therapy) produces good long term control of blood glucose concentrations in people with type 1 diabetesControl of blood glucose concentration is substantially better on pump therapy than conventional (non optimised) injection therapyIt is unclear how glycaemic control on pump therapy compares with modern optimised insulin injection regimensWhat this study addsWhat this study adds Though glycaemic control was better during continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion than optimised insulin injection therapy, the difference was relatively smallContinuous subcutaneous insulin infusion is an effective form of intensive insulin therapy that should lower the risk of microvascular complicationsInsulin pump therapy is unnecessary for most people with type 1 diabetes and should be reserved for those with special problems with optimised insulin injectionsContinuous subcutaneous insulin infusion, often called insulin pump therapy, was introduced in the 1970s as a way of achieving and maintaining strict control of blood glucose concentrations in people with type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetes.1 Short acting insulin is infused subcutaneously from a portable pump at one or more basal rates, with boosts in the dose activated by the patient at mealtimes.
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