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4. Kushner and the New York Wing are ascendant: And that brings us to what appears to be the strongest faction in the White House: the New York moderates and establishmentarians led by Kushner; daughter Ivanka, and two ex Goldman Sachs executives, Gary Cohn, Trump's National Economic Council director (and a registered Democrat), and Dina Powell, Trump's deputy national security adviser. Both are close to Kushner.
This will be the second to last "Orange Is The New Black" Five Things post (I know: Have mercy). Because the season runs an odd number of episodes, we'll likely finish it up next week by going through episodes 11, 12 and 13. Then, depending on how life feels, we may come back for another installment of "And now it's time to talk about .".
As you write your proposal, consult your department head and the person who mentored you in your research. They will be asked to validate your proposal after it is received. Students are limited to two proposals, namely one for a paper presentation and one for a poster presentation.
Field sites in Vaigat (Disko Bugt, West Greenland) preserve evidence of five tsunami events in the past 1500 2000 years, which is comparable to tsunami recurrence intervals described from sites on large subduction zone margins. A coastal lake at Innaarsuit also provides the first reported sedimentary evidence of an iceberg generated tsunami in the mid Holocene. The thesis concludes by reflecting on the opportunities and challenges in reconstructing abrupt sea level change from near field settings..
SpaceShipOne flew to space Monday morning, for the second time in less than a week. This time, though it came back down $10 million richer, taking the Ansari X Prize. Pilot Brian Bennie guided the suborbital spacecraft to an altitude of more than 114 km (368,000 feet) after taking off from the Mojave Spaceport in California.
I had loved the tuna I ordered, and though the service seemed a tad slow, I could forgive that given that it was a busy day at the docks. I foresee many more delicious meals at Captain Bill in the future. It be hard to walk past it now that I know it tastes as good as it smells..