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Survival Mode on Grand Theft Auto OnlineOne of the many activities in GTA V Online is called Survival Mode. Survival Mode is a cooperative mission where you fight against dozens of gang enemies in 10 total waves. This ranges from individual gang members with weapons or enemies in vehicles and helicopters. The waves continue to get more difficult as you progress.
When and if you are able to complete all 10 waves in Survival Mode, then you will receive $20,000 in cash. Note that you will still receive some money if are unable to complete all waves depending on how many waves that you complete. You lose Survival Mode if every player dies. As long as at least 1 player is alive at the end of a wave, then the other players will respawn next wave.
Make sure that you have ammo before starting a Survival Mode on Grand Theft Auto Online. Either buy ammo at an ammu nation store or purchase ammo before starting the match in the lobby. Stores in Grand Theft Auto Online have health items like egg chasers and e colas. These can restore your health to maximum. There may be a point where you need to recover your health in Survival Mode so these will prove useful.
Picking Up Weapons, Health, and Armor There will be weapons, health and armor on all the Survival maps on GTA V Online. You'll be able to pick up and use weapons that you have not yet unlocked. However, you will not be able to keep the given weapons indefinitely in GTA V Online. Sometimes you can find a chain gun or a rocket launcher on the Survival maps.
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