WoW Guide: How to Defeat the Legendary Battle Pets and Get the Felclaw Marsuul Pet in Patch 7.3
As with all major patches to World of Warcraft, the latest patch 7.3: Shadow of Argus has unveiled a whole host of new battle pets to fight and collect, and achievements that are geared towards to testing your pet battle prowess.
One such achievement is the Family Fighter which, once completed, will reward WoW players with a cool new pet called the Felclaw Marsuul. But how to you complete this achievement? Firstly, you need to defeat all the legendary boss pets scattered throughout Argus. Those tough critters with gold nameplates that show as gold paw prints on the mini map.
In this guide, MmoGah is going to tell you where to find all the legendary battle pet bosses and give you a break down on how to complete the Family Fighter achievement to get the Felclaw Marsuul pet.
Legendary Pet Abilities
World of Warcraft Patch 7.3 also introduces some new, really powerful abilities that only these legendary pets possess and they can be quite tricky to work around. Here is what you can expect to encounter.
Greater Apocalypse
This ability calls down three meteors, which will fall 20 rounds from when the ability is used and they will instantly kill your team. Fortunately, the ability has a 20-round cooldown too, so it is likely that your opponent will play this one first which forces you to defeat the boss as quickly as possible.
It is extremely important to pay attention to what type of pet it is so that you can use ones that are powerful against it. The attack itself is weak again humanoid pets, but annihilates undead ones.
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