Ok, maybe I wasn't clear. This game uses a sticky targetting system. Meaning, once you start casting an ability, you can't switch targets. So backpedal a little and to the side, aim at one mob while moving into position and then fire off your reflective light. You will hit multiple targets. Always move into an optimal position. Play PvE as you would PvP.
Ok, so let's say you have a destro staff. Open with light attack (heavy if fire or ice), reflective light, light attack combo (heavy if lightning/resto). Reposition into melee range. Blazing shield. By this time one of the mobs usually starts for Elder Scrolls Online Gold their heavy/special attack, so watch out for that and block/interrupt it. Blazing shield will explode. Empowering Sweep. Reapply Reflective Light. Reposition. Reapply Blazing Shield.Use heavy/light attacks some more. Biting Jabs. Reposition. Blazing spear. Light attack. Reposition. Reflective light. Heal as necessary.
If anything is still alive, herd them in front of you and kill them all with a single Jabs. There, you're done. No spamming and you still have plenty of magicka and stamina left, plus your next ultimate is almost ready to use.
And with Resto staff it gets downright funny. You literally can't be killed by trash mobs with some combinations, in some cases you could take on 6 mobs at once and not get hit. But you have to move all the time, switch targets and all that jazz.
Now imagine the kind of tears and rage there would be if they adjusted Sorc and DK all in one go. That would mean multiple nerfs across the board, not just one or two skills. The forums would explode. There would be rampaging in the streets. Governments would change.
It's not that you can't play templar solo, it's that you can't play melee combat with a templar anymore. You take too much damage and Biting Jabs was the way for a templar to get good dps and have radial sweep often enough to get an armor and tank (and not as efficiently as a DK sure, but it did the job)
I really wonder how people showing builds without biting jabs are thinking. You're saying having a skill broken (cause it makes Cheap ESO Gold for you vulnerable for 1,1 sec without being able to do ANYTHING every time you use it) is not a problem ?
How about I delete every skill you don't use in the game, are you ok with it ? Or just double the cost of every skill you don't use ? Or put a global (cause its not internal its global, affects all your skills) cooldown on every skill you don't use ?
That's what happened, that's how bad it is. Nobody asked for a nerf of biting jabs, not Dks, not Nightblades, not Sorcs, nowhere in reddit or official forums. It wasn't OP, even on solo opponents. The only reason I see was Bots using it cause of critical chances when you put 4-5 bots on the same boss.
Now if you wanna think only about yourself and your way of playing a templar, go for it, but don't make it as if you played it "the way it's supposed to be played" when the game is advertized as "you can do any style of combat with every class".
Does anybody have a working / efficient templar solo build for bow or resto staff. One that does NOT use fighters / mage / undaunted skills. Just plain vanilla templar skills. If I can manage to find one that is as good as my old biting jabs build I may start playing templar again. Unfortunately my old setup is trashed now so i've been playing my DK and Sorc.