Prepare yourself to make the most out of your education and work experience. Master the language, gather all your academic transcripts, and use an international accreditation service to recognize your diploma. Start searching for a job, network with international headhunters, or take into consideration a different career path. Don't neglect the financial factor. School and work are common in most competitive work markets. Develop your entrepreneurial self. Expatriates have been historically pushed into business endeavors, out of inadequacy on the work market. Get mentally fit for emotional turmoil. Although impossible to predict the whole range of emotions secondary to a societal transplant don't allow stress, anxiety, and outburst of frustration to control your life and alienate your relationships with friends and family. Look out for your partner and children well-being Henry Anderson Jersey , and if necessary, reach out for expatriate community support. Author's Resource Box Camille Buzan is the editor of Expatus Online Magazine. Find more information at http:www.expatus a comprehensive Expatriate Living online resource,packed with useful articles, links, and classifieds for people interested in living an international lifestyle