New Types of Data, Search Filters, Usability Improvements in SWTOR Date Update
There is a big SWTOR data update which mainly focuses on 3 things-what data is available, search, usability improvements. Here, MmoGah will introduce the 3 things in detail.
New Data:
There are 12 new types of data to SWTOR data in this update, they are respectively Ability, Mission, NPC, Codex, Decoration, Reputation, Stronghold, GSF Ship, Achievement, Collection, Legacy title, Player title.
All of the search sections have been overhauled with more filters, pictures, and more data. The menu options have also been updated to give you quick options to common searches making it quicker to find what you are looking for. Looking for this is still a work in progress and the official is working on adding filters. All of the objects appear in the same list next to each other.
Usability Improvements:
The official has made a ton of smaller changes to the site both under the hood and more visible. A couple notable changes are that tooltips have been added throughout the site making it quicker to find the information you are looking for. The buttons on the home page now go directly to the search results instead of a secondary splash page.
Except for the main 3 things on the top, there are Continuous Deployments in SWTOR data update.
Continuous Deployments:
SWTOR data is officially using Continuous Deployments. This basically means that instead of workers’ manually doing big releases like this, as workers make small code changes Continuous Deployments will automatically be deployed to the website.
Indeed, these SWTOR data updates are so handy and time-saving! Then, more SWTOR data updates are coming soon, which means it will be more and more convenient for players to enjoy SWTOR well. Moreover, all we know about the importance of SWTOR Credit/SWTOR Gold, so players need to prepare enough gold for SWTOR. However, where to buy safe, cheap and fast SWTOR Credits/SWTOR gold makes so many players headache.
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