Then we went for the scientists again for several hours in the firm. This time the scientists saw compilations of other films. Again, the activity was measured in the visual cortex. Each measured activation was then compared with the predictions of the previously analyzed YouTube videos. Thus, the snippets of a video were arising from the hours together. In other words, the computer attempts has the film to a person sees as much as possible with the hours of footage readjust. Under this article, you can see a short cogniq video how amazingly well this is the computer managed.
About thoughts with the environment communicating consequences for everyday lifeWhy stress can be healthyOnly half the truthBut this is only half the story. Looking at the figures in more detail it becomes apparent that no stress is generally harmful but the stress is also considered harmful to health. Based on the same sample, this means that people the stress is not perceived as something negative and had no increased risk of death. On the contrary, the group which, although stress had positive stress but had looked at the slightest risk of death even lower than those of people who were not exposed to stress.