When you blow dry your hair, whether it is colored hair or untreated hair, the scales will be blown open and then suddenly you have this voluminous hair. The combination of heat and air are able to leave a single hair three times increase in size simply by opening the schublaag. If we use a brush while blow-drying the hair, then exactly the same thing happens, only now we give direction to the shaft we want instead of the will of the hair.
Apex Hair Vitality
I will be honest and proceed in the next section makes no mention. There are so many good products on the market. If you are looking for the illusion of thicker and fuller hair, start with a good shampoo that the thickness there will literally popping in. This shampoo will penetrate the cuticle, and they make open wherein the body gives to the hair. After this, there are still many things you can do.