a why its I'm making sound and chicken Alfred would like the Panini am noodles cell that'd be good I love you’ll it is either make this health kick tell he have too much up right king of Pastor and butter and things like that and well me I'm just in eater I just don't have a label on health freak I'm not that then I sometimes I going I it's pretty rarely do I go and I I'm single and I of you now night once or twice a year now anythin aimee eye lift serum g in Chile yeah and even helped I like my husband doesn't help because he just talks yeah Mac howling yeah track my car yeah I'm gonna I get in shape yeah 10 Wells Fargo can you email her email you know it her email to you thank her for me he over situation I'll intermingled can I do you p.m. human being who meanwhile here okay Havel my of you I yeah it the route he Mimi stop or I oration Caine not my feet P hi including me okay one else children just randomly you now think it's acceptable to just walk up and kiss people on the feet I don't know I don't know I talk to yam back his Parry had the..
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