Little bit of your lettuce and then you could add a little bit if you're mean top and some tomatoes to your taste great and if you wanted to because as you said you like it's my see them through and so these are just fresh chopped up that has fresh chopped up helping us in there you go and it's just as simple little taco salad and now of course the proof is in the tasting okay I'm going to try to talk to so I don’t still buried all over myself both I did said throughout you that's good is it spicy enough for you if I get the jalapeno read in their RevTest greatgreatgreat so again an example a very inexpensive meal this can be made with you know pennies for pennies literally and we made ahead put in the refrigerator grab it when you ready to go to school and it's there for you I love that they're simple choices and each of the ingredients up teenagers can make to be healthier even if they're preparing a simple mail it doesn't have to be fast and unhealthy absolutely and you know what if you didn’t have that money for the meat or you chose to not have animal you could just to black beans with this the whole recipe would work just as well just checking for the sodium right there you go so I mean to I know that the audience wants to be able to find you they want to be able to follow peer health exchange in the onenight stay connected to you what's best way for them to do that great well we have a web site dot peer health exchange .org and we also have a Face book page that anyone can click like and I encourage you to do that to keep up with our posts about our volunteers in our teenagers just pure health exchange.
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