How to Buy Safe ArcheAge Gold when Trion Removes Illicit gold
Trion is serving notice to gold buyers that some of their ill-gotten gains are being removed from ArcheAge. "If you bought or were gifted gold from [a gold seller], you may see it disappear", the company wrote on its official forums. "We do have the ability to trace coin, and that's the gold that's being cleaned up right now”.
As they broadcasted in initial blast of rapturing hackers, gold farming bots, mules, and storage accounts, Trion is also taking the step of removing the gains passed on by them, as we can see, we do see our gold disappeared!
As an ArcheAge Gold seller, we are also affected by the event, we have summarized some tips for you according to our experience.
Do not use Mailbox to deliver ArcheAge gold, face-to-face trade is not much of a problem.
Lots of our ArcheAge Gold Stock disappeared, being removed by Trion as illicit gold,the reason is that all of our these illicit gold is delivered through Mailbox by gold suppliers, the fact proved us that gifted gold is unnatural and much more dangerous. However, none of our customers’ gold bought from MmoGah has been removed dues to face-to-face trade. We have insisted on face-to-face trade since we began to sell archeage gold, we have successfully protected our customers from being affected by this event and received good reviews from them.
We offer 3 different safe delivery methods, your security guaranteed.
1. Secure method: Face-to-face trade (give us an item while trading please), we will whisper you in game and meet a place to make an Archeage Gold trade. (Recommend)
2. We deposit your Archeage Gold to your Guild Bank.
3. We buy items chosen by you off the Auction House then trade the items instead of Archeage Gold.(Safest)
Trade Location:
Please meet at Mirage Isle, learn How to Get to Miragle Isle.
Notice: Since Trion removed archeage gold from suspicious gold buyers, we offer more safe delivery methods. You can choose one of the 3 ways to finish your order. These methods are normal in-game transaction. Don’t accept the mail method please, by this way, your archeage gold will probably get removed.
Players are so malcontent to this event, so it won’t last long
This ArcheAge Gold Event from Trion has affected so many players, causing their resetments, and since this event, our archeage gold orders have reduced a lot too. The World of Warcraft has occurred some of the same incidents at the beginning, however, they stopped it soon and as I know, they don’t do that again within the following 7 or 8 years. Archeage gold transaction has ranked first since the game began, however, it fell far behind the WOW dues to this event, so I think the Trion will do as the WOW and the event will stop soon. If they are too stick, our players will like the game no more, so you need not to worry about buying archeage gold, just remember face-to-face trade, if you come to us, we will guarantee your security as usual.
For more news about this archeage gold event and other news, stay tuned to
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Source: Mmogah MMORPG News Center