As for the more common Fut 15 Coins monsters you'll encounter, there are some nice innovations, despite the lack of variety (there are only eleven basic types). Monsters will duck to avoid your attacks, and there are area-specific monsters to match the various environments, such as the Roman medusa and the Egyptian mummy. The weapons also sacrifice quantity for quality - the character-specific art and effects are nice, but there are only four weapons per class. And the classes themselves have some subtle differences - attack ability, special powers - but not enough to make a significant change to the experience.
Of course, most of the aforementioned problems dissipate when playing multiplayer, and it proves a much better game against human opponents; even the differences between character classes are more interesting when fighting one another. But Hexen II's deathmatches aren't as purely visceral as Quake's - the assortment of power-ups and magical items often results in simply unloading all of your stuff on an opponent, and it becomes a case of "he who has the most toys wins."
A lot of work went into Hexen II, and it shows. But that doesn't stop the feeling that the game was rushed in the latter days of completion. It crashes as a result of simple commands (such as accidentally "quickloading" when you haven't "quicksaved"), level load times are unbearable (we're talking sometimes over a minute), and each of the hubs concludes with the slow-scrolling text that has seemed like a sick joke since Doom II.