As an UberSoldier Fut 15 Coins, you have the unique ability to put up a bullet shield around you, which stops bullets in their tracks, much like Neo in The Matrix. This ability is powered by a meter, which is charged up by accumulating headshots on enemies in quick succession. If your meter has enough power, you can actually reflect the bullets right back at the enemies who shot at you. It's actually a pretty-looking effect, with a blue shimmer that holds individual bullets up in midair. This special effect tends to feel overpowered at times though, even if you can't shoot out of your own shield. Moving from one piece of cover to another is a trivial matter with this bullet shield, and recharging isn't overly difficult in the many missions where you're armed with sniper rifles. These missions let you score headshot after headshot against enemy artificial intelligence that isn't very bright. Or you can simply charge up to groups of enemies and empty automatic weapons into them at close range. There's another special ability where you can gain health by knifing three soldiers rapidly, one right after the other. But given that enemy soldiers drop health when they die (and it's so much easier to just shoot them), there isn't much motivation to take advantage of that particular play mechanic.
Aside from the slightly interesting bullet shield, there's really not much to UberSoldier. While the mission objectives may vary in name, and you can man a U-boat at one point, the game mostly boils down to moving from point A to point B, blasting everything in sight, and making liberal use of the quick-save and quick-load buttons. The missions will occasionally have you working alongside some AI-controlled cohorts, but they're no smarter than the enemy soldiers, as they take cover on the wrong side of debris and generally act as cannon fodder. If you can stomach the monotony, it shouldn't take you more than six or seven hours to finish the game, counting reloads for the times you forgot to hit quick save. Depending on the computer you have, you're liable to spend a good percentage of that time just waiting on load screens, as the loading times in this game are horrendous.