The staying power of Fut Coins GoldenEye stretches far beyond completion of the last level. This is a game that's meant to be played more than once because the higher difficulty levels do more than just ramp up the ruthlessness of your enemies. The harder the game is, the more objectives you have to complete to move on, and replaying these levels gives you a new appreciation for how well they're constructed. Rooms and routes you never realized existed are suddenly integral parts of the experience, making another play-through feel fresh even though you're traipsing through the same environments. What's really interesting is how your health is managed. In all but the hardest difficulty level, you have regenerating health. Because you return to full strength by staying out of fire for a few seconds, the campaign veers on the easy side, though it's still challenging enough to make it rewarding when you do come out on top. But when you play on the hardest difficulty, your health no longer regenerates and you collect armor to save you from death. This ratchets up the tension another notch, making you use every stealth trick you've learned to stay alive.
The only problem with replaying levels comes from the invasive story. Pierce Brosnan played James Bond in the original game and movie, but he has been unceremoniously axed in this latest outing. In his stead is current Bond actor Daniel Craig. But it doesn't really matter who assumes the lead role when the story is never pushed beyond spy-thriller cliches. Evil Russians and predictable plot twists are the driving forces of this newly written story, but even though there are some well-done action sequences, the cutscenes ultimately fail to enhance the experience. James Bond is a man of fast action, and the levels embrace his single-minded determination. Unfortunately, the cutscenes are unskippable, so you have to sit through the story every time you replay a level. These unremarkable sequences become unpleasant intrusions, and its grueling to have to wait them out, knowing how much you have to bust your butt to meet the stringent requirements when you reassume control.