3D models Fut 15 Coins run around in this fixed, 2D world. Visually, the characters aren't all that detailed, but the environments fare a bit better. The cities and towns definitely look the best, whether it is Diadem Island's castle, wreathed all in billowing pink clouds, or the glittering brass of the empire's capital of Mintaka. In fact, most of these cityscapes are recycled directly from the original Baten Kaitos. The dungeons and other outside areas tend to be blander and almost too busy with all their narrow crooks and corners. As far as battle effects go, there are plenty of special abilities and combos to use, and they're all flashy and fun to watch. Each zone has its own musical selection--ranging from the mellow rural village tunes to some metal riffs for boss fights--which does a good job of setting the proper mood.
In Baten Kaitos, you can learn powerful attacks, reveal dangerous conspiracies, and talk to a cup of coffee.
Lengthwise, it's very easy to spend more than 40 hours on this game during the course of the normal narrative and side battles, though that's not the only thing you can conceivably focus your time on. There are plenty of side quests, with many of the townsfolk and such who have a particular item they covet, which you can bring to them in magnus form. In some cases, you can just bring the item directly; in other cases, you'll have to combine a variety of cards to produce the desired item. For example, one quest requires you to combine water, fire, and salt to make clouds. There's also a battle coliseum where you can fight some of the toughest foes in the game for fabulous prizes. If that's not enough, you can also collect special "Sedna" magnus, which will help restore a colorful, surreal town made entirely out of clay.