Warhammer <a href="http://www.mmovegas.com/">fut coins</a> Online can start playing around with it While people filing pre-orders <a href="http://www.mmovegas.com/">http://www.mmovegas.com/</a> for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning knew they'd be able to play in some sort of pre-release beta, it wasn't until today that EA and Mythic firmed up these plans and made them public.
So here it is anyone who pre-orders Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning will be able to start playing on the beta servers which are currently running a closed beta as of September 7.Considering the full game is hitting on September this sounds more like a last-minute stress test to make sure the servers can handle a rush of players before throwing it open to the even-less-washed masses.