Pier Solar-HD FIFA 15 Coins has more than hit its Kickstarter funding goal, bringing in $ 231,370 at the end of the campaign this morning. People were sufficient not only to get the idea, an HD remake of the present Genesis RPG developer Watermelon Co. to wake angle $ 139,000 goal, but every track to exceed target set by the developer.
This means that the free Discourse is a "director's cut" with additional material. It also means, Pier Solar HD on Android, Ouya and Wii U. Everyone who supports the project will receive a digital copy of "A Year in Watermelon," a video documentary about the development of Pier Solar-HD and two other SNES published be and Genesis projects.
Capcom is looking to bring back home angle game development tasks to do hiring an additional 1,000 people. In an investor Q & A, the publisher announced plans this additional employees in the course of ten years rent, in addition to the 1,500 game developers on staff by the end of September. "We want to continue to improve the quality of our games by an internal game development team," a representative of Capcom (CEO Kenzo Tsujimoto likely, but it is not specified) said.