The height of summer, many tidal tide mom dad kids Fake Oakleys Frogskins Sunglasses Cheap for Sale sunglasses shade Dress, children's sunglasses spreads on the market ten times. Physician reminder: children under 14 years of age should not be a long time to wear sunglasses.
Yesterday, on the Internet, enter "children's sunglasses" to find thousands of products for sale, and some products even hit the "baby sunglasses" slogan, specify appropriate use of 0-2 year-old baby. There seller said, summer children's sunglasses selling particularly well, buyers are mostly young parents.
Children's sunglasses spread considerably, both nominally "prosun" brand of the same product, the local optical shop selling price ranging from 90 yuan to 239 yuan. the cheapest children's Fake Oakleys Gascan Sunglasses Cheap for Sale sunglasses twenty or thirty dollars can buy, you will have to thirty-five hundred dollars. Twenty or thirty million children UV sunglasses can do? Some sellers vague to right.
Children grow up to the age of 14, his eyes generally only to the extent of adult development, before children's eyes need bright light and clear images to stimulate visual development, children wear sunglasses for a long time, which may affect the further development of its vision, severe may even lead to amblyopia.
When the sun is too intense, delicate eye if the child concerned was light damage to its timely sunglasses, but not long wearing, should be promptly removed in weak sunlight.
Parents should choose the regular selection of children's sunglasses brand products to the polarizer is appropriate, the best selection of gray, brown lenses products, yellow, red, etc. Tiffany and Co Charm Bracelet Jewelry Outlet lens sunglasses, optical effect is not good, is not conducive to healthy eyes