In the last passage, talked something about direct damage in the game. In this one, MMOGAA will continue to share the condition damage and falling damage in Guild Wars 2.
Many gamers are clear that Blizzard is competitive in the eSport electronic world, they have already earned fame and profits from starcraft and warcraft RTS series. But when they bring PVP to World of Warcraft and show their ambition in one step, it's a pity that so far they failed. In addition to the host for his fans Blizzard carnival (BlizzCon) on the global competition, they can’t join the rest of the all kinds of large-scale tournament including the WCG that is kind of international competition. what is the problem exactly ? The problem is the battle method. Guild Wars Wins WvWvW PvP.
In this mode, players from three severs in 4 map do unlimited battle. The four maps belong a foggy and independent world, anyone can join at any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without stopping, every fight lasts a period of two weeks, then enter the next round WvWvW immediately. Comparatively players have more chances to earn Guild Wars 2 gold. Of course, they have to spend more GW2 gold to buy equipment. Server's ranking will be arranged, severs can level up as how often the matched gamers win, the system will automatically put three similar rankings together. Gamers in different servers in WvWvW don’t have direct method for communication. Of course, the body is still a common and universal language.
Four maps respectively are three home battleground and a neutral map server. Each map has the resources and the target to be occupied, such as the castle, a fortress, mercenary camp, mining, timber and village, and so on.These sites need to occupy and defend, different sizes of the guild has its participation method. Big association will hold the fort, for example, small guild or lone ranger assist to disturb the other party supplies, weaken the defense or occupation of the other positions etc. The map may be placed on the defensive tendencies NPCS to adjust the pace of the game.
WvWvW all target exists in the dynamic event type, when your server occupied a mine, it will cause a escort mineral events, and other players will appear on the capture mineral events(you can earn much Guild Wars 2 gold by dynamic event, then use GW2 gold to buy powerful equipment); If you occupy a fortress, you will get weapons to attack the enemy to guard. such a dynamic events can occur at any time in the main battlefield.