According to the rumor mill, Microsoft is preparing a voice command software called Cortana (yes, like the AI that accompanies us into the fabric of Master Chief in Halo ) to compete with Siri, Apple, and Google Android Now. According to ZDNet, Cortana "will be able to learn and adapt, thanks to the technology of machine learning and the repository after Buy Maplestory Mesos Bing, " Satori " ". ZDNet's sources say that Cortana is the key to future versions of Windows Phone, Windows and of course, Xbox One Back in July, Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft, made reference to a "family of interface powered devices ", what could be referring to the Cheap Fut 14 Coins capabilities of Cortana. According to ZDNet, the interface " teach not just the information that is stored on phones, PCs and consoles as users can do a search engine today." In Ballmer 's words, " you will bring the layers of experience and the information we have in our services to bring together our devices in ways that allow applications experiences richer and deeper ". Currently, Windows Phone phones accept basic voice commands, and Microsoft has already said it has improved voice commands with Kinect. So far Microsoft has yet to confirm or to FIFA 14 Coins officially announce the existence of this Cortana Cortana, we see half-naked in no Halo games.