I recently got a chance to have a little “chit chat” with the President of the ECA, Hal Halpin. For those not aware, the Entertainment Consumers Association is primarily an advocacy group that represents consumers of interactive entertainment. As you can guess, video games are a big part of interactive entertainment and come under fire from time to time for certain content. Mostly rated M games are the cause of controversy, by being blamed for the violence in society, and lead many legislators’ attempts to ban them.
The latest controversy arose when FOX News criticized Epic Games and People Can Fly’s upcoming shooter, Bulletstorm, nearly 2 weeks ago. To summarize, reporters and so called “experts” commented upon Bulletstorm saying it can cause 9 year olds to commit rape, minors will develop psychological problems, and believing the shooter is the worst game in the world. One can only question why the sole target here is video games (Bulletstorm) and not other forms of entertainment. To help enlighten us to the situation and give his opinion, Hal Halpin looks to “clear the air” so to speak. See the full interview past the break.