There is a new event in Los Angeles that started on Saturday showcasing videogame culture. Entitled Tetricide, the exhibit is being held at Pehrspace and continues through Aug. 7.
From the event description:
[INDENT]"A multimedia exploration of the many facets of video game culture - focusing primarily on "old school" video games, embracing a pixelated aesthetic. Through interactive and experiential means the audience member is invited to become a participant in the work. Exhibitors include emerging artists from Los Angeles and beyond, incorporating elements of installation, video, and digital media."[/INDENT] For a list of exhibitors, you can check out [URL=]the official website[/URL].
If you are in the LA area in the next month, check it out. These events are always entertaining. [URL=][B][COLOR=#8e0505]Read More[/COLOR][/B][/URL]