We recently published an [URL=http://gameculture.com/2010/06/28/halo-elite-animatronic]article about Pete 'kre8-fx' Mander[/URL] who creates some really incredible things such as the [I]Halo[/I] Elite animatronic (seen [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NsQLq7EMkk]here[/URL] in action on YouTube). Pete was nice enough to spare some time for GameCulture as we picked his brains about art, how he got started and his interest in video games:
[B]GC:[/B] How did you get started in your line of work? [URL=http://www.gameculture.com/2010/07/08/interview-halo-elite-animatronic-creator-039kre8-fx039][B][COLOR=#8e0505]Read More[/COLOR][/B][/URL]
[URL=http://www.gameculture.com/2010/07/08/interview-halo-elite-animatronic-creator-039kre8-fx039]read more[/URL]