The [I]Medal of Honor[/I] multiplayer beta is currently underway and I was lucky enough to [URL=]score a beta key[/URL]. For those who weren't aware of the promotion, I'm not sure if there are any keys left but you could always sign up.
For those who have keys and have yet to redeem them, a quick tip: the key that you receive is not the actual serial key that will give you access to the game. You will need to use that key and redeem it once you've signed up for an EA account. You can't log on without an EA account and you won't be able to play until you receive a second code (which is the actual serial code needed to play in the beta). This might confuse some - I kept receiving an error "Your code is already in use" so figured other peeps might stumble upon this as well. [URL=][B][COLOR=#8e0505]Read More[/COLOR][/B][/URL]
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