Sony's latest firmware update 3.40 went live last night and you can read all about the various details of what this major update does for your PS3 all over the place. But what does it really do for PS3 users? And if you consider yourself a PS3 gamer, how will this update make gaming easier for you?
Well, there is Facebook. Now, I'm not a Faceslapper so I couldn't give a flying doo-doo about Facebook integration for my PS3. But I bet there are loads of gamers out there that do, right? I'd love to know how Facebook integration on the PS3 (or any game console for that matter) will make gaming better? I mean, you've already got a friends list for your PSN so why would you need Facebook? That said, the integration with Picasa means that you can do alot with images stored on your hard drive that you couldn't before. [URL=][B][COLOR=#8e0505]Read More[/COLOR][/B][/URL]
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