Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is a video game player's wet dream of game culture, so it is very interesting to see how a comic book that leans heavily on said culture translates into a movie and into a videogame. Ubisoft is working on a downloadable adaption of the film for PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade that has a lot of fans excited and according to [URL=]this Game Informer preview[/URL], the game is shaping up nicely.
This is good news, because, as most are well aware, video games never adapt very well into movies and video games based on movies tend to suck. This is just the nature of the beast - when writers think more about marketing than about content we all get screwed, and since most movie executives think that games are marketing vehicles instead of creative works what we get is a convoluted, flawed work. [URL=][B][COLOR=#8e0505]Read More[/COLOR][/B][/URL]
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