I really should have started this post with "You know you're addicted when"... but figured that doesn't quite apply to me (well, not yet anyway). Currently, most of the[I] World of Warcraft [/I]servers are undergoing server maintenance as they prep for the upcoming [I]Cataclysm[/I] expansion. So just before the servers when down last night, gamers on my server were frantically trying to squeeze out as much game time as they could before they were brutally cut off from their addiction of choice. [URL=http://www.gameculture.com/2010/06/08/oh-noes-world-warcraft-servers-are-down][B][COLOR=#8e0505]Read More[/COLOR][/B][/URL]
[URL=http://www.gameculture.com/2010/06/08/oh-noes-world-warcraft-servers-are-down]read more[/URL]