According to a story on [URL=]JAm! Showbiz[/URL], Kim Kardashian is reportedly in talks to take on the role of Lara Croft - a role popularized by Angelina Jolie and Eidos' video games series Tomb Raider.
Last year Producer Dan Lin revealed that Jolie was done with the role which in turnsparked rumors that Megan Fox was in discussions to take on the role. Fox denied the rumors. Now the rumors are about Kim.
The story, citing a source who spoke to the Global Grind website, claims the following: "Kim is wanted to play a far more comic-strip version of Lara which would be shot in 3D and aimed at a teen audience."
Odd. Kardashian is the star of the Keeping up with the Kardashins TV reality series and known for her various lines of clothing, make-up and girl products. No doubt she won't be the last actress to be linked to the Lara Croft role. Stay tuned. [URL=][B][COLOR=#8e0505]Read More[/COLOR][/B][/URL]