I've decided to try and structure my blog posts a little more than I have in the past so I'm going to focus on one particular MMO every other week (or perhaps focus on different aspects of a particular MMO). This week I'll be blogging about [I]Star Wars: The Old Republic[/I] because it's one MMO that I'm VERY keen for. I'll also be doing the same for shooters and various other games if they strike my fancy.
The latest update for [I]SWTOR[/I] (for those who don't follow MMOs, [I]SWTOR[/I] is the joint Bioware/LucasArts MMORPG currently in development) focus on advanced class features for one class in particular - the Sith Warrior.
The Sith Warrior will probably be one of the most popular classes to play. With their ability to wield a Lightsaber, I expect to see quite a few Sith Warriors dashing about when the game launches.
The Advanced Class system looks alot like the 'Talent Tree' system used in [I]World of Warcraft.[/I] So I'm happy that I've re-familiarised myself with WoW because it looks like it might come in handy when deciding on advanced class specialisation.
The two new advanced classes introduced for the Sith Warrior are the Marauder and the Juggernaut. The Juggernaut looks alot like a proper tanking class, with alot of toughness and hit points whereas the Maruader looks more suited to possessing a higher damage output by using two Lightsabers.
If you're a fan of [I]Star Wars[/I] games, and you haven't already checked out SWTOR, I strongly suggest that you do because it's going to be HUGE. If you're an MMO gamer just looking for a break from fantasy role-playing, check out the website. You might find that SWTOR is just the game you needed to break the monotony a little.
[URL=http://www.gameculture.com/2010/06/03/mmo-talk-star-wars-old-republic][B][COLOR=#8e0505]Read More[/COLOR][/B][/URL][URL=http://www.gameculture.com/2010/06/03/mmo-talk-star-wars-old-republic]read more[/URL]