Over the weekend, actor Dennis Hopper died after a protracted battle with prostate cancer. Hopper was best known for the cult classic biker movie Easy Rider, which made him a household name and for dark movies like Blue Velvet. Video Game fans know him best for his role as King Koopa in the horrible video game movie adaption of Super Mario Bros. [URL=http://www.californiachronicle.com/articles/yb/145632078]The California Chronicle[/URL] has an awesome quote from Hopper about that role, worth sharing:
[INDENT]He wasn't above such roles as reptilian bad guy King Koopa in the inane 1993 video-game adventure Super Mario Bros. The father of four once related how son Henry, then 6, asked him why he took such a role. "I said, 'Well, Henry, I did that so you could have shoes.' And he said, 'Dad, I don't need shoes that badly.' " [/INDENT] Rest in Peace. You were a great actor and a wonderful human being.