If you're comfortable with your gaming habits, you're probably fine with answering this question. But there's always the misconception that if you play too many video games, you're lacking the ability to have a real life outside of gaming.
I play alot of video games but I also enjoy many things outside of video games. I am sure this is so for many gamers. But from one gamer to another, how many hours do YOU think is too many? How do gamers define what is too much or too little? Do you think the amount of hours you play matters?
My gaming habits vary depending on the day or week I might be having. During any typical day I'll probably play around four to six hours daily. If I'm playing an MMO (and it's a decent MMO) I can have gaming sessions that are much longer. If I am reviewing games, my hours may increase. But what about your gaming habits? And what do you think qualifies a gamer to be 'hardcore' as opposed to being a 'casual' gamer?
It's funny how the media is ready to categorize gamers as one or the other. And if you play video games every day, you're addicted and nothing outside of a video game exists for you. At the end of the day, do you really care how your gaming habits may or may not affect others?
And what about the married couples and people in relationships. It would be good to hear from you about your other half and their gaming habits. Or perhaps you have what could be called a 'gamer's match made in heaven' where both you and your partner/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband play games together. We've all read or heard about the horror stories where couples have broken up or marriages have failed due to a partner's gaming addiction. I can honestly say that in all the years I've been playing games, I have never experienced this nor do I know anyone else that has.
[URL=http://www.gameculture.com/2010/05/27/how-many-hours-do-you-game]read more[/URL]