With [URL=http://www.e3expo.com]E3[/URL] just around the corner (for the uninitiated, E3 stands for Electronic Entertainment Expo), I'd like to find out what gamers think about events like E3. Sure, you can read all about what journalists and writers think of the events from just about any gaming related website on the internet but what do consumers/gamers and the general public think about events like E3? Do you think they're important for gamers and if so, why? Do you enjoy reading coverage about up and coming games or do you think it's all just a waste of time and money and simply a vehicle for easy mass-marketing of the latest games?
To be sure, E3 is definitely a good way to see what publishers and game developers have to offer in terms of mainstream content. From my own experience of E3, there doesn't really seem to be alot of focus on smaller, independent game developers (feel free to correct me here) and ALOT of focus on developers like Microsoft, EA, Sony and the like. Which isn't a bad thing but what happens to all the games in-between? Isn't it important for the general gaming public to know what's on offer including smaller, indy projects or developers? Afterall, it can only be a good thing to have more choice rather than the alternative which is the same stuff being cranked out by the same developers year after year.
There's no denying that attending these events can be a rewarding experience for journalist's in terms of making contacts within the industry and getting hands-on and behind closed doors with some of the bigger AAA titles on offer. It's definitely a buzz from that perspective but from the public's point of view, what do events like E3 deliver for you, if anything?
[URL=http://www.gameculture.com/2010/05/26/what-do-you-think-gaming-events-e3]read more[/URL]